英語で紹介する日本文化U                        20091120

Lesson 8: Views of Japan from the Washington Post Newsroom 3

(Citation from “Views of Japan from the Washington Post Newsroom” Kodansha International, 1996)



  “Oh sacred spirit Daikoku-sama, we humbly(畏れ多くも) ask you to watch over The Washington Post Company and take diligent care that the honorable Washington Post newspaper not lose out to its competitors(競合者) in the year to come.

  That’s how it went today at the altar(祭壇) of Kanda Myojin shrine.

  Western visitors to Japan are often struck by the strong sense of shared responsibility, a collective feeling of “membership(組織の一員であること)” that produces a highly civil society largely free of crime and violence.

  But as the Japanese know the nation's leadership, public and private, works hard to produce it.



  Amid the towering glass-and-steel structures of the city's downtown business district in Otemachi, a tiny Japanese garden with a stone tablet() marks the spot where, according to legend, Masakado's head came to rest.

  To the frustration of Tokyo real estate developers, the 300 square-meter patch(地区) of ground has remained untouched because of a widespread belief that tampering(いじりまわす) with it would rekindle(再燃させる) the ancient rebel's fury(激怒).



 It's an age-old Japanese ritual(慣習) as well(よく)-scripted(描かれた) as seppuku, the samurai's rite of suicide. Scandal shakes a major Japanese company. Its reputation(評判) is on() the(機に) line(瀕して). So its top executive announces he takes full responsibility for the misdeeds(悪事), even if he was unaware of them, and resigns. Going(辞任) out(する) his way wouldn't occur to most U.S. corporate leaders.  

  Many Americans, tired of what they see as buck(責任を)-passing(なすりつける) in society's upper echelons(階層) when things go wrong, might welcome a system of high-level responsibility. But critics say that in Japan it has a hidden cost: The public sacrifice may become cover for nothing being done to correct the problem that caused the crisis.



  The firing of Connie Chung has raised new questions as to whether a talented woman can ever reach the very top in television news. The answer may be iffy(疑わしい) on American networks, but in the world's second-richest TV market, the issue is settled. On Japan's network news shows, women rule the airwaves(電波).  

  But the female anchors who dominate the network news here now are experienced, opinionated(自説をしっかり持った) journalists. Most of them speak English. They are also generally older than the male reporters on their programsa crucial distinction in a Confucian(儒教の) society where seniority(年功序列) and respect generally go together.  

  All this has happened in a country that is not exactly famous for gender equality.  

  Japan has a more egalitarian(平等な) economy than the United States, with fewer very poor people and fewer making huge incomes. TV newscasters here reportedly make about one-tenth to one-fourth what their counterparts in America command(ほしいままにする).  

  “Connie Chung made $2 million per year?” gasped Japanese TV reporter in disbelief. “That's about, what, 200 million yen? In one year? Nobody in our TV net works is looking at money like that.”



  Tokyo police are curious to see whether the D.C. cop on() the() beat(中の) can be converted into an “Honorable Mr. Walking-Around.” Yesterday, the District held a grand opening for its first koban, a Japanese-style police booth.

  The koban concept, in turn, is part of a broader American movement toward “community(コミュニティー) policing(警察活動).”

  Japan's famous postwar miracle usually is defined in economic terms. But there has been a social “miracle” as well; the Japanese have built a free and prosperous society with crime rates far lower than what Western nations have come to accept. Just as other countries learned manufacturing(製造業) and financial(金融業の) lessons from Japan in the 1980s, many Americans are turning to Japan in the 1990s for lessons on creating a safe society. They have found various explanations for Japan's social stability, including an egalitarian economic structure, a national commitment(専念すること) to full employment, the traditional Confucian respect for authority, and the widespread sense that every person has(役割) a() stake(担う) in making society work.

  But another factor in Japan's success seems to be the community police system, and particularly the citizens’ trusting relationship with Oh-mawari-san.




  Here's an item(項目) to file in the category of necessity as the mother of invention. A Japanese doctor has popularized(実用化する) a procedure(手法) to replace fingers sliced(切る) off by Japan's yakuza gangsters.  

  The necessity that motivated(動機づける) this medical breakthrough(画期的なこと) is a tough new federal lawthe first comprehensive anti-gang law Japan's historythat took effect in March. Facing increased pressure from police, hundreds of gang members have decided to go straight(更生する).  

  That's where the finger problem comes in.

  An ex-yakuza member who wants to look like a normal Japanese salary man can let his hair grow so he no longer has the tightly curled crewcut standard for gangsters here. He can wear clothing that covers the elaborate(精緻な) tattoos that mark yakuza members. But the lost finger is hard to hide, given Japanese social customs.  

  On first meeting here, it is common for people to exchange business cards. In a society where the() form() of() things(形式) always matters, it is essential that the card be held in both hands when it is passed to a new acquaintance(知人). For ex-gangsters, this rite calls attention to the missing fingers.



  Little Black Sambo, the racist caricature(風刺画) that most Americans thought had died a well(当然)-()deserved(ような) death years ago, has been resurrected(復活させる) across the Pacific as the mascot of a hot()-selling() line() of Japanese toys and beachwear(砂浜で着る服).

  Sambo and other stereotypical depictions(描写) of blacks some with grotesquely(グロテスクに) fat lips and ethnic dialect(方言)have become something of a fad(熱狂) here this summer in what appears to be an attempt at internationalization(国際化) gone() gravely(無し) awry(になる).

  Despite the recent trend toward global travel and overseas investment, the Japanese remain a strongly insular(島国根性の) people, with little understanding of or empathy(共感) for foreign cultures.



  If a national election were held to pick America's favorite dog, the votes would probably be split among such diverse candidates as Lassie, Snoopy, Goofy, Beethoven, Old Yeller, and Millie Bush. But in this more homogeneous(同質の) nation, where everybody tends to agree with everybody else on these big cultural questions, there would be no such confusion.  

  Unquestionably, unequivocally(明白に), the choice for Japan's favorite dog would be Hachiko.  

  The Culture Broadcasting Network obtained a hitherto unknown recording of Hachiko's bark.

  Hachiko said, “Wan-wan.”

  “Wan-wan” is how the Japanese render(描写する) the sound of a dog's bark, rather than bow-wow. For the matter, cats in Japan say “nyaah-nyaah” instead of meow, and frogs here say “kero-kero.” The Japanese word for what a rooster says is “ko-kek-ko-ko,” which is, if you think about it, a lot closer to the real thing than “cock-a-doodle-doo.”   

  Having a hefty(強い) “wan-wan” is considered a sign of health and good(感じが) karma(良い) for a dog here. And to everyone's relief, Hachiko had a healthy, wan-wan.



 At age 4, Nishioka began learning the craft's manual skills and oral traditions.

  “The old builders were people of art who approached their work with religious devotion(献身)” he said.  

  “In our craft(技術), we have a set of unwritten principles,” he explained in his home, located just outside the temple's walls. “One is, ‘Don't buy trees, buy a mountainside(山腹).’”  A temple’s wood should come from a single site. Wood should be positioned in the orientation(方向) at which it grew as trees, with beams(光を受ける) from the mountain's north side on the north, and so on.  

  Each tree, shaped by its soil and decades of wind and rain, has a unique personality, artisans(職人) say. The builder, then, must understand and exploit(活用する) these traits.

